We’re adding more follow-on funding, and here’s how our interview process and classes will look during the pandemic.
via Startup CPG. By Jake Deleon, Founder of Fila Manila, the #1 Filipino American Food Brand ft. Oksana Malysheva, Managing Partner of Sputnik ATX.
In response to TechCrunch’s Equity Podcast: The Iron Rule of Founder Compensation is Dead.
Find investors who share your “gospel” and understand what you’re doing.
We’re adding more follow-on funding, and here’s how our interview process and classes will look during the pandemic.
I recently saw data from Y Combinator comparing what founders consider their biggest obstacle, then contrasting that with a list of the things proven to grow companies fast (what you really need).
People don't buy what you do. They buy why you do it. Here are three tips to keep in mind as you plan how to captivate your audience from the start.
If you’re a breathing human, you’re confused by the veritable potpourri of accelerator and incubator options clogging your inbox. Need help evaluating which one is right for you?
A recent Fortune Magazine article reported that in 2017, only 2% of Venture Capital dollars went to female founders.
Sales & Marketing
People don't buy what you do. They buy why you do it. Here are three tips to keep in mind as you plan how to captivate your audience from the start.
Struggling for sales? One of the things entrepreneurs often don’t consider is the price customers actually pay when purchasing.
Is LinkedIn worth exploring for marketing your business? How do you even? Here’s what I learned at Social Media Week ATX.
We asked Antony McGregor Dey, entrepreneur and marketing expert, about his go-to sources for digital marketing. Here’s what he said.
Angel Sheet is the worlds first fully-social, AI infused, machine learning toilet paper, on the blockchain. Yes, you heard me correctly.
Is your business idea an undiscovered gem, or a flaming dumpster fire leading you to your doom? Here’s a quick rule to help.
The greatest threat to modern China comes not from foreign invasion, but in the form of bicycles, millions of bicycles.
Economics for Startups
Paul David Hewson the rockstar, philanthropist and frontman for U2 (better known as Bono) has a secret he’s not trying to keep. Capitalism is going to save the world.
Studies conducted by Goldman Sachs and Columbia University have found that companies who hire more women outperform their competitors on all measures of profitability.
There are a ton of people infusing cryptocurrency and blockchain into traditional businesses and asset classes claiming to have some revolutionary breakthrough when, in fact, the business value proposition is nothing more than, well, bananas.
Many start-ups fail because they can’t generate sufficient consumer surplus. What the heck is it anyway?
The greatest threat to modern China comes not from foreign invasion, but in the form of bicycles, millions of bicycles.
Startup Culture
How Handsome empowered the Beauty industry to growth through community during COVID-19
For Uconnect Esports, adaptability of the market has paid off during the pandemic.
Growth Channel joined Sputnik ATX’s Summer 2020 cohort where she grew her userbase 20% weekly on average.
As an early stage VC, one of the saddest things I observe from meetings with founders is the toxic and pervasive influence of what I call the start-up industrial complex (the SIC).